Browsing Canadian Garden
Seeds, Butterfly Wildflower Garden Mix 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM These Canadian Wildflowers burst with colour and fragrance. The package contains Purple Coneflower, Tufted Fleabane, Wild Bergamot, Black-eyed Susan, New England Aster, Indian Blanket and Blazing Star. Detailed germination instructions included.   Product: #9999847968 Stock: 99    Price: $6.95 EA | |
Seeds, Chocolate Lilly 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM Fritillaria lanceolata is a captivating dark purple and greenish-yellow, checkered-pattern lily. This perennial emerges from a bulb with numerous bulblets, and can reach up to 80 cm (32 in) in height. The flowers are large, 4 cm (1-1/2 in) long, bell-shaped, and usually nodding. The chocolate lily is quite rare in much of its natural habitat. Chocolate Lily is best suited for the dryer bulb beds of a rock garden. A staple food source for First Nations. Detailed germination instructions are included.   Product: #9999847965 Stock: 98    Price: $4.75 EA | |
Seeds, Common Camas 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM Camassia quamash is a beautiful star-shaped lily with colours ranging from deep violet to light blue. The 1 to 1-1/2 cm (1/2 in) long grass-like leaves surround a terminal spike which bears five of more flowers. It grows up to 60 cm (2 ft) tall, and flowers from May to June. An important source of food for aboriginal people. It prefers heavy soils with full light to partial shade conditions. Detailed germination instructions included.   Product: #9999847966 Stock: 128    Price: $4.75 EA | |
Seeds, Hanging Basket 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM Victoria's flowering cascade......for every home. Start your own tradition! Victoria, is famous for its hanging baskets. This authentic hanging basket selection was developed with the generous assistance of the City of Victoria Parks Department. The package contains sufficient annual seed to grow at least three hanging baskets. Detailed germination instructions and how to create your own hanging baskets included.   Product: #9999847967 Stock: 80    Price: $7.95 EA | |
Seeds, Happy Holdiays Great stocking stuffer for friends and family. The package contains Black-eyed Susan, Indian Blanket and Large-leaved Lupine. Detailed germination instructions are inside each package.   Product: #9999850383 Stock: 20    Price: $6.95 EA | |
Seeds, Native Ornamental Grasses 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM Native ornamental grasses are not only gorgeous and practical garden plants, they are also easy on the earth. With their elegant and colourful arching stems and leaves, native grasses offer a unique contrast to more common garden plants. Native grasses are easy to grow, very hardy, and often drought tolerant. They will be sure to attract birds, butterflies and wildlife. The package contains three individually packaged grass species: Big Bluestem, Indiangrass and Sideoats Grama. Detailed germination instructions are inside the package.***REGULAR PRICE $6.95 ON CLEARANCE FOR $4.95 ***LIMITED QUANTITY AVAILABLE, PLEASE CHECK QUANTITIES IN STOCK BEFORE ORDERING***FINAL SALE***   Product: #9999848481 Stock: 7    Price: $4.95 EA | |
Seeds, Salal 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM Salal is a lush evergreen shrub native to the Pacific Northwest and grows from 20cm-5m (8in-16ft) tall. The shiny dark green leaves are somewhat egg shaped, leathery and finely serrated. The white to pin urn-shaped flowers develop into reddish-blue to nearly black berries. Salal thrives in coniferous forests from rocky bluffs to the seashore. It is moderately shade tolerant and does well in most soil types and moisture conditions. Salal berries were one of the most important fruits for coastal aboriginal people. They were eaten fresh or dried, and were often made into cakes with other berries and salmon eggs. Today, Salal berries are used for making jams and preserves. Detailed germination instructions are inside the package   Product: #9999848478 Stock: 25    Price: $4.75 EA | |
Seeds, White Fawn Lily 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM White Fawn Lily is a lovely perennial herb with graceful white flowers with upturned tips and a yellow-orange base. It emerges from a bulb and reaches up to 30cm (1ft) in height. The lance-shaped leaves are mottled with pale green and dark brown. White Fawn Lily flowers in April and May; however, it takes at least three years before the bulb can produce flowers.Common on Vancouver Island and northwestern Washington, White Fawn Lily grows naturally in open grassy areas and in fairly dense woodlands. It prefers well-drained soil, rich in leaf mold, and takes well to shady parts of a garden. Once established, it self-sows to create a beautiful blanket of lilies.Detailed germination instructions are inside the package.   Product: #9999858543 Stock: 82    Price: $4.75 EA | |
Tree, Pacific Dogwood Seeds 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM The Pacific dogwood was adopted as the official flower of the Province of BC in 1956. In April and May this beautiful tree flowers and in the fall it displays brilliant foliage and bright red berries. Packaged prettily in a pouch with an illustrated history of the tree.    Product: #9999841071 Stock: 165    Price: $4.75 PAK | |
Tree, Western Redcedar Seeds 5" X 3.25", 12.7 X 8.3 CM Thuja plicata was adopted as the official tree of the province of BC on February 18, 1988. Historically, the tree has played a key role in the lives of west coast First Nations, and continues to be a valuable resource. Detailed germination instructions are inside the package.   Product: #9999847500 Stock: 42    Price: $4.75 EA |